I love to sleep because it is not only great to do nothing, but i love dreaming. i love waking up remembering a strange dream. i love how odd it is that sometimes i don't know if what just crossed my mind was a dream from last night or something that was told to me in the past week. i love trying to figure out why some dreams contain happenings from the past day or week or contain random people whom i may or may not talk to. i love that God created us to create, hope, and imagine.
Dreaming is wonderful. It gives a person goals to meet, things to look forward to, and faith in God's work. Lately i learned that God instills dreams into people. I never looked at dreaming in that light.
I always thought that people come up with dreams and then God determines how the dice fall based on how the dream will fit into God's plan for that person's life. I mean, a lot of the time dreamers may hope for off the wall things and God will just say, "that's ridiculous, no", but i think that God whispers into His peoples' ears ideas (dreams) that He knows will change their lives.
What i mean by "dreams that He knows will change their lives" is this: If God's plan all along was to grant that person's wish (i guess you could say) then that person would be in awe over God's work which would draw that person closer to the Lord. If God decided no on the dream, maybe he caused that person to long for such a dream to not only test to see if that person chooses to be angry with God or accept God's decision, but to teach that person to deepen his or her faith in the Lord. Obviously, yes and no answers from God can strengthen one's relationship with Jesus either way, but when He says no it is a lot harder for some of us to do.
Now a challenging question comes to mind. Shouldn't i desire God to say no to some of my big dreams because of all the strength and growth gained from all the hardships thereafter? I know we grow close to God when He shows us His movement in our lives which can shown by a yes and no answer to a dream. I just sometimes feel that when God says no, we grow even closer to God if we can show Him that it is not about us, but Him, and we know that God has our future decided (best Hillsong United song ever). That is a tough question that i do not exactly know how to answer yet, and I am still trying to figure it out. (I guess I'll blog about it when i do)
Anyways, lately God has been teaching me about joy. Three weeks ago i had two weeks full of nastiness. I was always in a bad mood, not really understanding the cause of it all. I think it may have just been selfishness and stress building up. When i finally got that out of the way and back into my devotions in the right way, i felt better and back to normal. For about a week now I have felt like i am on top of the world. God has truly answered some of my biggest prayers and has been making my dreams come true in awesome ways. I am full of faith, delight, amazement, and i am growing. Faith causes delight.. when God works we are amazed... and then we grow. That is where my blog name came from. Even my hopes being met in the exact way i wanted them to did not give me the same amount of joy that Christ has given me. Material things, loved ones, Facebook, and TV shows can never measure up. I have always known that, but i am sure happy that i can feel my belief in that through this past week.