"As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good." 2 Thessalonians 3:13
Along with the whole "WWJD?" saying/reminder ('What would Jesus do?' for those of you unfamiliar) lately i have been struggling with putting those two things into practice.
I haven't been struggling to forget those things in big situations, but in little ways like my thoughts and motives (Which in a sense can both grow to be bigger issues).
The other day i was.. maybe i can say criticized.. or maybe it wasn't critical, but more of something that stuck out to a couple of people that i am a "goody goody", well-behaved little girl. whatever the term.
When that was said.. i'm doubt these people meant it in this light.. but i took it in a bad way. An example would be, "You want a tattoo?.. that seems a little low for you.. it doesnt seem like you at all". Something like that. I love these people to death, and i hold nothing against them.. but my reaction stuck out to me because i was a little defensive.
And now i think back and wonder WHY SHOULD I BE? It should be an honor that these people view me in that light. I want to grow to be a godly woman every day. Why be ashamed?
Maybe the tone i got from them saying that made me feel a little sad because of the stereotypical "good christian girl that wouldn't pierce her ears or hurt a fly" label, which is a completely awful way to view anyone who loves the Lord, and i didn't want to be viewed that way.
i am just trying to clean up how i react to those kinds of things because they are compliments in the long run.
my reaction in my head and aloud was offensive and disrespectful to God. i am glad these people said this to me so i can check myself. Even though it can be hard, it's an honor when the Lord reveals things about you that need a good fixing.. that way we can better ourselves.
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