Tuesday, November 16, 2010


"Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -John Eldredge
I want to get married as soon as possible. As in, at the end of college or immediately after college, actually if God permits.. even in the middle of college. I don't care. I just want to get married. <3 On my honeymoon, my man and i will get matching tattoos. Heck yes.

I want to move to an adventurous state.. preferrably down south.. my dream is Tennessee, but there are several other places that would be just as beautiful.
I want to live in a town full of friendly people, opportunities, and fun. I want to earn my Masters degree in accounting, so i want to be a CPA or maybe an investigative auditor, and possibly have some catering experience for an on the side job for fun.

I want three kids: two boys and a girl, no specific order preferred. More than one girl would be a whole bunch of drama and door-slamming. I will get my babies' names tattood somewhere on me haha.
All of my kids will have to do 20 minutes of reading a day until they are in middle school, and i will try to get them involved in an instrument, sport, or scouts club- whatever makes them happy. They need an activity to keep them growing and entertained.
I will raise my boys to be charming, gentlemen. I hope that i will successfully get them to participate in a cotillion (American style) for lessons on proper etiquette and dance lessons when they are young teens. I hope they are both spitting images of their father.. with a little bit of me too (;
I know for a fact that i will struggle a little bit if my daughter is NOT a girly-girl. It will be very humbling to raise someone who hates pink and refuses to be a Debutante. The moment she's born I'm buying her the book Captivating by Stasi Eldredge with a letter inside to open on her 14th birthday. I hope she looks just like me and has a personality like her dad's.. in a feminine way. I hope my husband keeps a gun to scare off her boyfriends... just so she'll look back on that and feel special and sacred... and a quick way to filter out jerks. College will be a requirement in my house... unless my son or daughter sincerely (a word not used lightly) thinks God says otherwise. I hope atleast one of my kids marries his or her high school sweetheart... so adorable.

My husband will be my children's inspiration. My daughter will learn to choose the right man from her dad's godly example. My sons will imitate their dad's humilty and ways of treatin' a lady. My kids will feel protected because of their father's respectable authority. Anything daddy says will be trusted and right. I wouldn't marry a man who was even 5% close to being that amazing.. he must be all of that. That kind of expectation sounds difficult to find, but trust me, girls, there are men in this world who are everything and more than you could imagine. And if i never find him, and i'm not supposed to get married.. i guess i'll just join the CIA then. Anyways..

With this economy, a stay at home mom is nearly impossible to be... one income is not very easy to live on. I will be home as much as possible for my babies. I will cook them the best dang food they've ever eaten, i will show them the beauty of art in all forms, I will raise them to love Jesus and to serve even the lowest of the low, and i will teach them with Conservative morals (My daughter will join my anti-feminist movement bandwagon). Once my kids are not so little.. maybe in elementary school.. and if God calls me to.. i want to adopt a baby. I want to give someone a home who never would've thought they'd have one.

My house will have a beautiful garden no doubt. Hopefully a jacuzzi for even the cold, winter nights. My kids will play in the yard and feel 110% safe. Hopefully my husband will have a Harley, so we can have some amazing date nights. Traditions that my family has i will pass down. Pizza night once a week.. that will never die. My kids will have a very fond appreciation for pizza.. and popcorn because of how my dad is. I will work for my kids and my sisters' kids.. and even my cousins' kids to have friendships. There's nothing as special as family reunions and good times with my cousins- my kids will quicky learn that too. Also, i will NOT drive a van. That is a goal i have always had. I will not set foot in one.. unless completely necessary. I like SUVs, Jeep Cherokees, and Durangos. I will stay young through that, and many other things.. like not letting my gray hair show until i have grandchildren. Oh, and once my grandkids are all born.. i will get my own Harley and be that kind of grandma. Oh, and did i mention tattoos?

"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4 <3

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