Every Valentines day, my boyfriend and I do some type of craft for each other. In this Valentines surprise, I put a bunch of goodies and balloons in a giant box. At the very top were instructions.
Inside each balloon was a small piece of paper that had a clue and a bag number. The numbered bags had some of Nik's favorite snacks inside.
Paper Bags
Glitter (optional)
Start with buying paper bags. I lucked out and found red & pink ones at Wal-Mart

Put the goodies in the bags. This is where a lot of planning is necessary.
Figure out what to say for each treat. So, cereal bars are inside bag #2.
The very first step would be to figure out what to say with what snack.
With that in mind, you can know what to buy. Here are some ideas.
Stuff the clue in the balloon and blow it up.
Make sure that the balloons aren't too big so that all of them can fit inside the box. This is where you can add glitter if you'd like. :)
Keep going until all of the bags are numbered and stapled, and the balloons are blown up.
Put the bags at the bottom of the box and the balloons on top.
I made a handmade card for him this year. I made him a scratch off hearts sheet attached to the front of the card. Instructions for that are found here. Inside the card were instructions for the balloons. And I had a mix cd attached to the back. Also made sure to mod podge Dwight Schrute on the back of the card.
A photo of the aftermath:
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