Sunday, December 12, 2010


Last weekend I purchased a book called Praying for Purpose, which is a 60-day devotional that I have been journaling along with. I am currently on Day 9, and I have decided to create a list of prayers inspired from each day after every 8 days of this book... to remember what I am praying for. The list will keep building and growing, and I am so excited to see how God answers these prayers!

Days 1-8 I have been praying for the following things:
  • -To have no more fear
  • -To be thankful for consequences
  • -To have strong perseverance
  • -To be filled with wisdom
  • -To be reminded that God makes all things beautiful.
  • -For God to reveal to me my skills and talents, and that I will use all of them to the nth degree.
  • -To be successful and to remember that true success is God glorifying.
  • -To be a role model and example to others, and at the same time for God to open my eyes to Christians who can be examples to me.
God has given me a passion for Girls'/Ladies' Ministry. My top recommended book to any of my girl friends is Captivating by Stasi Eldredge, and I am also a fan of And The Bride Wore White (Dannah Gresh), Every Young Woman's Battle (Shannon Ethridge), Guys Like Girl Who.. (Chad Eastham), and Redefining Beautiful (Jenna Lucado). Any book about inner beauty and purity really draws my attention. My favorite thing to talk about is femininity, and one of my best friends, Amanda, and I go on for hours and hours about it. I have a group of friends who get together and talk about beauty and ways to remind others that they are beautiful too <3. Shout out, Hannah. Anyways, today's devotional was about being a role model and praying to be a better one. My friend Claire messaged me an hour after I finished my devotions for the day, asking me to be a leader and mentor for a 7th and 8th grade girls' event going on at my church. I very badly wanted to be like YES YES YES, but I remembered that we are supposed to pray about everything. I talked to Claire a little more and prayed about it after wards. God finally tugged my heart and was like, "This will be good for you, go do it". (: I thought it was so cool how God worked very quickly, honestly... in only two hours. I love how God works and makes things come together. I feel Him working through this book so much!

So on top of those 8 above prayer requests... one more thing was added on there, this girls event. I am so excited to see where God is leading me through this devotional. He has taught me more about myself, and I am so excited to be on day 60, completely blown away by God and His purpose for my life. <3