1. Found this awesome bible verse as I have been reading Job. Gave me a lot of peace. We humans can try, but we simply cannot comprehend the mind of God, and his plans for us. We just have to trust.
2. Okay, I am obsessed with Häagen-Dazs, the Mango flavor is definitely the best of the two. Both taste exactly like the fruit! Such yummy sorbet... however, not healthy one bit- way too much sugar! I'd be ashamed to admit how fast I went through those containers.
3. I babysit these darlings nearly every week. They are just so silly and brighten up my day. We watch a lot of Netflix together, and it is so funny that they enjoy Dexter's Laboratory.. I watched that show when I was younger. It's so weird to re-watch it with them.
4. It's harder to tell in this photo, but can you see the moon? I was reading on my back porch, and as the sun started to leave, I stayed outdoors. I couldn't believe that I could capture the moon with my Android's cruddy camera. Such beauty!
5. I reached a goal this week as I finally finished my Anna Godbersen book, and moved on to Gone With The Wind! When I was given Gone with the Wind on Valentine's day, I was in the middle of the other book and was tempted so many times to quit and start on this Southern classic. I felt so anxious to get on with my reading, but I am glad that I finished the first book I was reading- I feel accomplished. Now, it is so interesting to dig into the mind of Scarlett O'hara.. and often humorous at times. I am working on a book review, and will definitely include some top 10 quotes.
Love the movie gone with the wind but have never sat down to read the book. Stopping by from snappee turtle's link up!