Friday, April 12, 2013

Summer Reading List

This Summer I have a goal... I'm going to avoid reading "self-help" books. Honestly, I am obsessed with Christian books and etiquette how-to's (particularly Southern guidelines) more than novels.
I will see something on Amazon and buy it without much thought. I am definitely a book hoarder, but now I am going to get more into fiction.

A couple of weeks ago, I ended my Netflix membership. I have a very strict budget for the summer. I know $8/month isn't much, but that's $24 extra I can have for school next year.
>>Don't make fun of my financial control freak tendencies.
But really, since most flicks are easily accessible on the internet, there's no point in having Netflix. And, it will be less tempting to search the web for shows, when I should be reading instead.

So, in attempts to keep myself entertained through print, here is my summer plan (in order).

1. Gone With The Wind 

Considering that this classic is nearly 1,000 pages long.. I am not exactly sure how long it will take me. I have been dying to read it since February, and I am currently trudging through an Anna Godbersen novel, knowing that it is nothing in comparison to this Southern favorite. This book is my top priority. The rest of the books aren't in a designated order yet, but this book will come first, hands down.

2. The Town That Came A-Courting

People in this side of the country don't often know of her, but Ronda Rich is my favorite author. This is her first and only novel, and I am anxious to see the story-line.

3. Cool Beans

Erynn Mangum, now O'Brien, is another favorite. I loved her first series of novels, and I breezed through them in high school. Now, I'm needing some more of her style. You can read Erynn's blog here!

4. The Rescue

Many of you may be surprised, but I am not a Nicholas Sparks fan. Neither his books or his movies. I only really liked the Notebook obviously (which is mainly because it was the 1950s). I have not been able to get through several of his other books. A friend gave the Rescue to me, so I may give it a try this summer. However, I may be way too burned out on Romance novels. I'm so over all of this love talk!

5. Catching Fire

I am actually iffy about this one. I read Hunger Games in 2012, and I loved it. However, the second movie isn't out until November, so I may push this to the fall. If I can get through Gone With The Wind quickly enough, I am either going to read The Rescue or Catching Fire.

*After each book, I am going to write a review for my blog!
What are YOU reading? What are YOUR favorites?

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