If you are pro-abortion... watch this. If you're pro-life... watch this. Everyone please watch.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
180 Movie
If I could make the whole world watch one half hour video... I would want them to watch this. Please watch!
If you are pro-abortion... watch this. If you're pro-life... watch this. Everyone please watch.
If you are pro-abortion... watch this. If you're pro-life... watch this. Everyone please watch.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
ACV Results & Other Skin Treatments
A month ago I blogged about using Apple Cider Vinegar on my breakouts. So now I think it's time to reveal what I've noticed. Since ACV does not contain Salicylic Acid or even Benzyl Peroxide, it does not have the ability to kill zits. However, ACV does kill bacteria so it can play a part in preventing future breakouts and getting dirt off of your face. ACV is not the only resource I use on my face, but it is included in my daily face wash routine.
Step 1: Apple Cider Vinegar
Here are some examples of products you should NOT use...
Yes, folks, even ProActiv does not work.
Anyways, here is my day-to-day skin treatment plan. I have a morning routine and a night routine.
I like to use this basic, unscented bar of soap to cleanse my face right away. Usually I scrub the heck out of my face with it, even though I probably should be gentler. As long as your bar of soap in unscented and you avoid eye-contact, it should do its job.
Step 1: Dial Soap
STEP 2: Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash
Not only is this product Dermatologist-recommended because it says so on the container, but my boyfriend's mom, who is a nurse at a Dermatology clinic, and a family-friend/Pharmacist suggested it to me. The Pharmacist I know actually handed me a new bottle and said, "Take it- I have several upstairs."
Along with two professionals telling me to use Neutrogena, I have seen a difference in my face because of it. It also feels nice and tightens up pores.
Step 3: Hydrogen Peroxide
I have used Hydrogen Peroxide for years. If you have a huge, whoppin zit; simply take a Q-tip, dip it in the liquid, and then apply to blemish. I like to hold it on a zit until it turns white. For it to turn white, you usually have to pop it first. The Hydrogen Peroxide cleans and dries your zit out. It has always worked for me. Dermatologists DO NOT recommend this, however, I do. (:
Step 4: Moisturizer
I like to wait maybe 10-20 minutes after washing my face to put on lotion so it has time to air out. I love, love, love my Gold Bond lotion. I will never, ever change brands. I specifically like to use the kind with Aloe because Aloe is so good for your skin. I don't like to only use Aloe in the summer time. I figure that Aloe can help repair skin, so why not use it year round? I think that as long as your lotion is fragrance-free it will properly treat your face.
Step 5: Acne Vitamins
So since in the above steps I have cleansed my face, I also need to be clean internally. Immediately after eating a fulfilling meal, I take these pills. Absolutely DO NOT take these on an empty stomach or you will probably vomit. I made the mistake of taking these pills 3 hours after lunch. I had awful stomach pain and ate an entire pack of saltine crackers. My stomach calmed down, so luckily I did not get sick. It is suggested to take these with a meal so the pills digest with the food you consume. They require 2 tablets daily and these should last you 50 days if you take them religiously like I do. I would also suggest purchasing a multi-vitamin to take daily as well.
Step 1: Apple Cider Vinegar
I like to use ACV to take off foundation and cover up. I usually use one cotton ball to take it all off, and then another to go over my face again. I like to close my eyes and let it sit for a few minutes. Sometimes I will lay on my bed with my eyes closed with the fan on above me. This stuff will make your face tingle if you do not have sensitive skin. If you skin is sensitive then be careful how often you use it. There was a time when I used this stuff 3 times a day, and after a few days my face dried out. Be careful!
Step 2: Dial Soap.. Again
I use this soap to get all of the ACV off of my face. Not only because ACV stinks, but I do not want to risk it staying on my face and drying it out. Sometimes in the morning I use ACV then Dial, and then at night just Dial. I like to change it up. However, I always use ACV to take off make-up.
Step 3: OXY Acne Pads
This stuff is TOUGH. If you have sensitive skin, do not use these pads unless you're careless about having an aching face. I have read great-reviews on it, but it's also highly BFF-recommended. (;
I scrub my face and neck with this stuff until I dry out the pad. My face gets red after use because of how hard I scrub. I love this stuff and it works very well.
Step 4: Lotion... again
Always keep moisturized!
Guys, this has been my face plan for the past month, and it has been very successful. If you could see the difference in my face from the beginning of September until the end you would probably be more convinced to use this stuff. This method works so well for me. None of my products have Benzyl Peroxide in them, so if you're allergic like I am, these will be fine.
Please remember that on top of cleaning your face, maintaining good hygiene, and caring for your external health you have got to stay internally healthy too. That is exactly why I take my multi-vitamins. On top of the vitamins, one must eat balanced meals, drink lots of water, and exercise. I struggle with having a balanced diet, and eating junk will not clean up my face at all. I know that water is all I drink, so I knew my breakouts were probably happening from bad eating habits and lack of exercise. I decided to change my life-style and I am very thankful I did.
Lastly, please know that you will either have Toxic Acne or Hormonal Acne. Since I have Toxic Acne, which is easiest to treat, my plan will most likely work best for those who have Toxic Acne too. If you have Hormonal Acne or you are unsure, take a visit to your Dermatologist if nothing on the internet can help you.
Step 2: Dial Soap.. Again
I use this soap to get all of the ACV off of my face. Not only because ACV stinks, but I do not want to risk it staying on my face and drying it out. Sometimes in the morning I use ACV then Dial, and then at night just Dial. I like to change it up. However, I always use ACV to take off make-up.
Step 3: OXY Acne Pads
This stuff is TOUGH. If you have sensitive skin, do not use these pads unless you're careless about having an aching face. I have read great-reviews on it, but it's also highly BFF-recommended. (;
I scrub my face and neck with this stuff until I dry out the pad. My face gets red after use because of how hard I scrub. I love this stuff and it works very well.
Step 4: Lotion... again
Always keep moisturized!
Guys, this has been my face plan for the past month, and it has been very successful. If you could see the difference in my face from the beginning of September until the end you would probably be more convinced to use this stuff. This method works so well for me. None of my products have Benzyl Peroxide in them, so if you're allergic like I am, these will be fine.
Please remember that on top of cleaning your face, maintaining good hygiene, and caring for your external health you have got to stay internally healthy too. That is exactly why I take my multi-vitamins. On top of the vitamins, one must eat balanced meals, drink lots of water, and exercise. I struggle with having a balanced diet, and eating junk will not clean up my face at all. I know that water is all I drink, so I knew my breakouts were probably happening from bad eating habits and lack of exercise. I decided to change my life-style and I am very thankful I did.
Lastly, please know that you will either have Toxic Acne or Hormonal Acne. Since I have Toxic Acne, which is easiest to treat, my plan will most likely work best for those who have Toxic Acne too. If you have Hormonal Acne or you are unsure, take a visit to your Dermatologist if nothing on the internet can help you.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Experiment:: Apple Cider Vinegar
Last night i was frustrated with how much i have been breaking-out lately, and i was looking online for reviews on different cleanser products. On Yahoo Answers, someone suggested going all natural and using Apple Cider Vinegar on breakouts, claiming her son had horrible acne and the ACV helped him tremendously. That whole idea sparked my interest, so i spent an hour online researching ACV in relation to skin treatment.
Several people have said that ACV works very well- not only because it dries out breakout areas, kills bacteria, and balances your PH..... but it's supposed to be very good for your liver and kidneys.
Most testers say they dip a cotton ball in the ACV (those with more sensitive skin suggest diluting it with water) and use it on their faces, some claim to drink it, and interestingly enough, few have admitted that they pour some in their bath water.
Last night i retrieved some ACV from my kitchen and took it to my bathroom. I used it on my face- i did not feel like i needed to dilute it with water. It tingles a lot and obviously smells bad, but i just let it sit for a few minutes so my skin could soak it up. Afterwards, i rinsed it off with lukewarm water, pat-dried my face, and applied Shea Butter. It is vital to put on some sort of moisturizer post-ACV exposure because critics say it dries out your skin.
So far, when i woke up this morning my face was very soft and shiny. My breakout was not gone, but the intensity lowered- the zits were smaller. I am going to test ACV on my face for a week, and blog about the results. I'm sick of breaking out and wasting time along with my mom's money on ProActiv, Clearsil, and Clean & Clear. I'm really hoping this works.
I also looked up beverage recipes for ACV, and the best one i've found is this...
Several people have said that ACV works very well- not only because it dries out breakout areas, kills bacteria, and balances your PH..... but it's supposed to be very good for your liver and kidneys.
Most testers say they dip a cotton ball in the ACV (those with more sensitive skin suggest diluting it with water) and use it on their faces, some claim to drink it, and interestingly enough, few have admitted that they pour some in their bath water.
Last night i retrieved some ACV from my kitchen and took it to my bathroom. I used it on my face- i did not feel like i needed to dilute it with water. It tingles a lot and obviously smells bad, but i just let it sit for a few minutes so my skin could soak it up. Afterwards, i rinsed it off with lukewarm water, pat-dried my face, and applied Shea Butter. It is vital to put on some sort of moisturizer post-ACV exposure because critics say it dries out your skin.
So far, when i woke up this morning my face was very soft and shiny. My breakout was not gone, but the intensity lowered- the zits were smaller. I am going to test ACV on my face for a week, and blog about the results. I'm sick of breaking out and wasting time along with my mom's money on ProActiv, Clearsil, and Clean & Clear. I'm really hoping this works.
I also looked up beverage recipes for ACV, and the best one i've found is this...
- 250 ml (8 oz) Water - warm enough to melt honey
- 1 to 2 teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic recommended)
- 1 to 2 teaspoons Honey
(source: http://lifeevents.org/apple-cider-vinegar-with-honey.htm)
Make sure you realize that it's TEASPOONS and not Tablespoons.. that was my first mistake (: Bleh.
I was not diggin the taste of it, so i added Crystal Light flavoring and it tasted like a Lemon Head- Very acidic. Take in small doses and do not force it on yourself.
I will keep my blog posted on how this experiment is going- that way if it works, readers can know so! Wish me luck.
QUESTION: Has anyone tried ACV before and what do you know about it? What face cleansers work the best for you?
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Books, Books, Books.
There's something about reading that brings joy to my life. I remember learning how to read on my own when I was in 1st and 2nd grade and continually being frustrated. One time I even got grounded and then banned from watching the movie Home Alone because i yelled, "reading sucks!", at my mom- I mimicked some of Macaulay Culki's lines from that flick. However, since then i have come a long way. The Christian school i went to from 4th-7th grade had a program called AR where students were required to read several books by specified times and then do well on the computer tests over the books. The reward was either a field trip or party at the end of each quarter.
In elementary school, Nancy Drew was my favorite series to read. I have collected 20+ of her books that i will once day pass down to my future daughter. I absolutely love Carolyn Keene's work and Nancy Drew really helped me learn to love to read.
Reading has helped me grow. There is so much wisdom that i have gained from reading. When i was 11 years old, i made the personal choice to start reading the Bible on my own, day-to-day. I remember starting right at Genesis, pushing forward to Numbers, and then deciding not to read the books in order anymore- haha.
At fourteen years old I needed to understand true femininity and longed for that Godly enlightenment. I bought the books, Every Young Woman's Battle (Ethridge & Arterburn) & And the Bride Wore White (Gresh). From then on i fell in love with purchasing books. Reading those two books and buying several other purity books after, has instilled important, biblical values in me that i will forever cherish.
Now, i take pride in my book collection. All i ask for my birthday is books, books, books. The majority of them are more "self-improvement" type of books or books about God. Besides my Nancy Drew collection, i only have 3 novels/stories. I have a difficult time reading one book at a time. I have to read at least one Christian "self-help" and one narrative. Currently, i'm reading 3 books and have started 6- i have a problem. Personally, i do not enjoy reading secular books. I want to get something out of what i instill in my brain; not waste my time.

At fourteen years old I needed to understand true femininity and longed for that Godly enlightenment. I bought the books, Every Young Woman's Battle (Ethridge & Arterburn) & And the Bride Wore White (Gresh). From then on i fell in love with purchasing books. Reading those two books and buying several other purity books after, has instilled important, biblical values in me that i will forever cherish.
Now, i take pride in my book collection. All i ask for my birthday is books, books, books. The majority of them are more "self-improvement" type of books or books about God. Besides my Nancy Drew collection, i only have 3 novels/stories. I have a difficult time reading one book at a time. I have to read at least one Christian "self-help" and one narrative. Currently, i'm reading 3 books and have started 6- i have a problem. Personally, i do not enjoy reading secular books. I want to get something out of what i instill in my brain; not waste my time.
*So tell me, readers (what few of you there are)- what are some of your favorite books, and why?
Which do you most recommend? Share with me!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Equip Me (for Persecution).
Every afternoon I babysit for a single mom for a few hours. The whole experience is fun and often frustrating for several different reasons, but i am blessed to be able to do it. The other day i was thinking about how she doesn't pay me accurately.... lots of times she's sloppy at calculation. I was contemplating if i should bring it up to her or ignore it.
A few days later i was reading in 1 Peter and noticed how chapters 3-5 talk a lot about persecution.
If i can't handle working for a single mom who does pay me, just not accurately at times, and if i can't handle missing out on a few bucks that do not make a whole lot of a difference then how am i going to be equipped to handle true persecution for loving Jesus when that time comes?
I want to do good like God commands in 3:17, and not focus on what i may or may not be getting, but to focus on what i am doing to love instead. It's all God's money anyways, i do not deserve to have any if i am not honoring God in my work. "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men." Ephesians 6:7.
I want to be equipped and ready for the coming fiery that God speaks about. I need to pass the little tests life throws at us and strengthen my heart and soul through the smaller trials if i am going to one day live through real persecution and harder trials for what actually matters--- following Christ.
A few days later i was reading in 1 Peter and noticed how chapters 3-5 talk a lot about persecution.
"Remember, it is better to suffer for doing good, if that is what God wants, than to suffer for doing wrong!"
1 Peter 3:17
Reading through that scripture and those after, i immediately thought about how a lot of people complain about their jobs and that i need to keep 3:17 in mind when i am dissatisfied with the way work is going. People suffer through their jobs not necessarily for being Christ Followers, but because of unfair treatment. In that moment, God convicted me.If i can't handle working for a single mom who does pay me, just not accurately at times, and if i can't handle missing out on a few bucks that do not make a whole lot of a difference then how am i going to be equipped to handle true persecution for loving Jesus when that time comes?
I want to do good like God commands in 3:17, and not focus on what i may or may not be getting, but to focus on what i am doing to love instead. It's all God's money anyways, i do not deserve to have any if i am not honoring God in my work. "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men." Ephesians 6:7.
"Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world."
1 Peter 4:12-13
I want to be a partner with Christ. He wants us to be ready to suffer and to be loving to those that persecute us in the midst of it all (Matt 5:44). God says that it is worthless to love your friend and not love your enemy. Where is the challenge in that? Where is the line that distinguishes the godly from the worldly? (Matt 5:47-48)
I want to be equipped and ready for the coming fiery that God speaks about. I need to pass the little tests life throws at us and strengthen my heart and soul through the smaller trials if i am going to one day live through real persecution and harder trials for what actually matters--- following Christ.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Do onto others.... (Let's talk about my pet peeve)
I write this so readers can take something away from what i say. Not to start drama or call anyone out.
And to be honest my rage comes from experience and past hurt.
I'm not sure if this is as big of a problem for guys as for girls... but i'm sure everyone can read and relate.
We all know of girls who have a few close friends, and when those girls get boyfriends.... their close friends are dropped. Sounds kind of middle school, doesn't it? It happens all of the time.
This doesn't happen to every girl with a boyfriend, but it sadly happens to a lot of girls with boyfriends.
I understand in a relationship.... your boyfriend is top priority.... there's more time spent together than with others... and that's fine and normal.
But all of your time does not need to be taken up by your man... in fact that's not even healthy.
Let me put this into perspective for you: you're not married. You know what i see? A relationship that fails and a girl who goes back to a bunch or angry friends... or you know what... enemies. Because trust me, they will not want to be around you anymore. It sounds harsh.. but it's true. Imagine the situation reversed. How would you feel?
And you know what's almost as awful? You may finally hang out with the friends who keep asking and asking to have time with you... but during that time... all you do is text and talk about your boyfriend.
There's a slap in the face. What a waste of time.
We all understand the excitement of a relationship. We are excited for you... but be considerate. It's hurtful to your friends when you don't care about them the way they care about you.
And you know they're constantly asking to spend time with you... and your excuses pile up, and it's a one-sided friendship. The only source of friendship you allow is from those who are willing to go on double dates with you and your boyfriend.... and that won't always count because he's there.
If you want nothing to do with your old friendships... please just tell them and save them from having to put energy into trying to be your friend.
The following bible verses related to these kind of situations:
"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31
The two greatest commandments are so easy to forget. We all get so caught up in what the world has to offer us, and how a boy makes us feel. Girls like when they get attention from boys. They like it so much that their friends soon become meaningless. God may even become meaningless. It's sad.
I can't help but want nothing to do with the people that act this way. I feel bad because i want to be loyal and loving. But i think there's a difference between having space from someone and shutting someone out.
A common trait i've noticed with people who act this way is when the subject is subtly brought up they get very offended, over-sensitive, and angry. So it's not worth the fight.
I don't want to put effort in what seems to be a "lost cause" ... i'm not saying a forever lost cause.... but only presently. There's so much maturing to be done, and when i see girls who act like that i can't help but get frustrated. I want to yell at them and hurt them like they've hurt me and so many other people. But it's not about what i want, and i need to practice what i preach.
If you're someone i know and you feel personally attacked as you read this... first of all, if you bring it up to me... i'm going to be blunt with you and you're not going to be happy, but i hope you know i'm not directing this blog entry at specifically you. Yes, i could think of 5 people off the bat that do this crap, but no, that's not why i'm posting.
I'm posting this for the girls who could be you one day. I'm posting this for the girls who want to abandon you one day. And i'm posting this for me because i'm sick of your behavior.
Please just stop and think: how would i feel?
And to be honest my rage comes from experience and past hurt.
I'm not sure if this is as big of a problem for guys as for girls... but i'm sure everyone can read and relate.
We all know of girls who have a few close friends, and when those girls get boyfriends.... their close friends are dropped. Sounds kind of middle school, doesn't it? It happens all of the time.
This doesn't happen to every girl with a boyfriend, but it sadly happens to a lot of girls with boyfriends.
I understand in a relationship.... your boyfriend is top priority.... there's more time spent together than with others... and that's fine and normal.
But all of your time does not need to be taken up by your man... in fact that's not even healthy.
Let me put this into perspective for you: you're not married. You know what i see? A relationship that fails and a girl who goes back to a bunch or angry friends... or you know what... enemies. Because trust me, they will not want to be around you anymore. It sounds harsh.. but it's true. Imagine the situation reversed. How would you feel?
And you know what's almost as awful? You may finally hang out with the friends who keep asking and asking to have time with you... but during that time... all you do is text and talk about your boyfriend.
There's a slap in the face. What a waste of time.
We all understand the excitement of a relationship. We are excited for you... but be considerate. It's hurtful to your friends when you don't care about them the way they care about you.
And you know they're constantly asking to spend time with you... and your excuses pile up, and it's a one-sided friendship. The only source of friendship you allow is from those who are willing to go on double dates with you and your boyfriend.... and that won't always count because he's there.
If you want nothing to do with your old friendships... please just tell them and save them from having to put energy into trying to be your friend.
The following bible verses related to these kind of situations:
"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31
The two greatest commandments are so easy to forget. We all get so caught up in what the world has to offer us, and how a boy makes us feel. Girls like when they get attention from boys. They like it so much that their friends soon become meaningless. God may even become meaningless. It's sad.
I can't help but want nothing to do with the people that act this way. I feel bad because i want to be loyal and loving. But i think there's a difference between having space from someone and shutting someone out.
A common trait i've noticed with people who act this way is when the subject is subtly brought up they get very offended, over-sensitive, and angry. So it's not worth the fight.
I don't want to put effort in what seems to be a "lost cause" ... i'm not saying a forever lost cause.... but only presently. There's so much maturing to be done, and when i see girls who act like that i can't help but get frustrated. I want to yell at them and hurt them like they've hurt me and so many other people. But it's not about what i want, and i need to practice what i preach.
If you're someone i know and you feel personally attacked as you read this... first of all, if you bring it up to me... i'm going to be blunt with you and you're not going to be happy, but i hope you know i'm not directing this blog entry at specifically you. Yes, i could think of 5 people off the bat that do this crap, but no, that's not why i'm posting.
I'm posting this for the girls who could be you one day. I'm posting this for the girls who want to abandon you one day. And i'm posting this for me because i'm sick of your behavior.
Please just stop and think: how would i feel?
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Far More Than Rubies
I have decided to change the theme of my blog since i am entering into a different journey in life: college survival. (; The theme is based off one of my favorite bible passages, Proverbs 31:10-31 (i'm sure most Christian girls love it too). Though my blog has a lot of work ahead, for now.. it is what it is.... (: introducing.... "Far More Than Rubies".
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." Proverbs 31:10.
xoxo, Erika
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Don't Just Stop at 11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.” Jeremiah 29:11-14
One of my favorite verses in the bible is Jeremiah 29:11, and I'm sure most people can relate. Nothing is more reassuring in life than to know that God has a purpose for everyone's life and that each purpose is good and prosperous!
Although Jeremiah 29:11 is such a great verse that brings so much peace, this entire passage has convicted me. I feel like as Christians we are guilty of just looking at verse 11, "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, ....to give you hope and a future", and completely... stopping. As if this verse is enough to "fill us up" in times of despair or confusion. Being a Senior in High School, there have been quite a few stressful moments this year, and looking at this verse has comforted me. But why must i stop there?
A part of me feels selfish. "My life is on track and I feel good, so that's enough for me... that's all i need." Is this the attitude that we get sometimes? Are we that lazy? Do not get me wrong, God loves to comfort us and He loves when we come to Him and when we acknowledge Him for giving us peace... but there's so much more to this passage than "everything is okay... just sit back and let the future come."
God wants us to pray to Him because He wants to listen, to ask of Him because He wants to bless us, to thank Him for all He does (even what we cannot see), and to seek Him with everything we have. Seeking God means to follow God.... which means to LISTEN to God. He wants us to sacrifice our wants for Him.
Sometimes, the Lord may open doors in directions that may appear to be wrong to us. Usually, pathways look "wrong" because we are afraid and we are uncomfortable. We have that little nudge from the Holy Spirit but sometimes we want to fight against it because we do not want to commit to the unknown. We are insightful humans, we should never trust our own judgment.
Everyday I cling to this verse, please read it slowly and keep in mind where God is leading you right now,
"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me." Psalm 23:1-4
I constantly pray, "God, align my desires with yours... make me fearless and submissive to Your will". That prayer has given me strength and wisdom through big and little situations, and I encourage you to pray it too and watch the Lord change your mindset!
Everytime I read Jeremiah 29:11.. I am going to challenge myself to keep reading on. I want God to have all of me. I don't want to just look at His Word for the purpose of what i can get out of it.
I want to pursue Him. I want to submit. I want to listen... I know He has so much to say!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Scrambled Certainty
Lately.... as in the past few months... i have been so ready for a nice break. Actually, no, i'm ready to graduate and be free. I'm not at all looking forward to college just yet... i just want an open gap where i can relax and sleep. (: Sounds way to good to be true... but hey Spring break is around the corner!
My Senior year has been nothing but wonderful... i am so blessed. I feel myself becoming more introverted, which is how i was up until junior high where i started coming out of my shell more and more. I've always had a piece of "quiet girl" in me at appropriate times... but she's coming back for more. I'm not sure if she's back because she doesn't want to miss these next few months as my next chapter in life fast approaches. I'm not sure if she's coming back because the extroverted me is exhausted... but i like her being here.
I have a difficult time even updating this blog... honestly... i'm considering deleting this whole thing... i feel exposed. I'm learning more and more about boundaries.... and that not trusting everyone is wise. I'm trying to keep a firm line between being an example to others.... and saying to much. I trust that the Spirit will nudge me when i should open up at appropriate times of course. I'm clinging to James 1:19 right now, "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." There's so much in that verse that i have never put into practice- it's the sad truth that i am fighting to change.
I have been praying a lot for more wisdom... i think it's wise alone to add that to your prayer everyday and keep searching in the Word for a deeper understanding. I agree with Solomon when he says, "The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow." Ecclesiastes 1:18. Of course the Lord is the ultimate source of joy, but living in a world where humans constantly make wrong decisions.... and i make wrong decisions.... it can be depressing in the moment of realizing that i have messed up... or seeing someone constantly mess up who looks at his/her own actions as fun or worth the risk.
I am currently juggling a lot of books.... i'm not much of a reader when it comes to secular books... i think it's humorous because if i get a great Christian book... i'm addicted. The only thing i asked for on my birthday was books. I did the same thing for my 17th birthday and found the books very fulfilling. Right now i'm reading Love and Respect by Dr Emerson Eggerichs, The 5 Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman, Reshaping It All by Candace Cameron Bure, Boundaries in Dating by Dr Henry Cloud, and a little bit of Style by Lauren Conrad when I'm in the mood for mindless reading. If i get several great books at a time.. it is very difficult for me to focus on just one, as shown above.
You may notice that the pattern of the books that I got are on "love".. just the way most of my library is... yeah, i'm a girl... and that topic is my passion. Which again, makes me question my whole major in college. I feel that God will call me to reach out to girls and women somehow. I feel right with the major i have now... I just feel like God has more ideas for me for ministry which is great! I know on top of that... i plan to write a book. That's a goal of mine. I've been writing books since i was 5-6 years old... when i got into writing more serious books... i never finished. I have kept journals all of my life. Writing is a big part of who i am. I want this. God willing, of course.
I have shared enough. Sorry to my followers for not updating. My blog is becoming stale, but that is okay with me. (:
My Senior year has been nothing but wonderful... i am so blessed. I feel myself becoming more introverted, which is how i was up until junior high where i started coming out of my shell more and more. I've always had a piece of "quiet girl" in me at appropriate times... but she's coming back for more. I'm not sure if she's back because she doesn't want to miss these next few months as my next chapter in life fast approaches. I'm not sure if she's coming back because the extroverted me is exhausted... but i like her being here.
I have a difficult time even updating this blog... honestly... i'm considering deleting this whole thing... i feel exposed. I'm learning more and more about boundaries.... and that not trusting everyone is wise. I'm trying to keep a firm line between being an example to others.... and saying to much. I trust that the Spirit will nudge me when i should open up at appropriate times of course. I'm clinging to James 1:19 right now, "Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." There's so much in that verse that i have never put into practice- it's the sad truth that i am fighting to change.
I have been praying a lot for more wisdom... i think it's wise alone to add that to your prayer everyday and keep searching in the Word for a deeper understanding. I agree with Solomon when he says, "The greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow." Ecclesiastes 1:18. Of course the Lord is the ultimate source of joy, but living in a world where humans constantly make wrong decisions.... and i make wrong decisions.... it can be depressing in the moment of realizing that i have messed up... or seeing someone constantly mess up who looks at his/her own actions as fun or worth the risk.
I am currently juggling a lot of books.... i'm not much of a reader when it comes to secular books... i think it's humorous because if i get a great Christian book... i'm addicted. The only thing i asked for on my birthday was books. I did the same thing for my 17th birthday and found the books very fulfilling. Right now i'm reading Love and Respect by Dr Emerson Eggerichs, The 5 Love Languages by Dr Gary Chapman, Reshaping It All by Candace Cameron Bure, Boundaries in Dating by Dr Henry Cloud, and a little bit of Style by Lauren Conrad when I'm in the mood for mindless reading. If i get several great books at a time.. it is very difficult for me to focus on just one, as shown above.
You may notice that the pattern of the books that I got are on "love".. just the way most of my library is... yeah, i'm a girl... and that topic is my passion. Which again, makes me question my whole major in college. I feel that God will call me to reach out to girls and women somehow. I feel right with the major i have now... I just feel like God has more ideas for me for ministry which is great! I know on top of that... i plan to write a book. That's a goal of mine. I've been writing books since i was 5-6 years old... when i got into writing more serious books... i never finished. I have kept journals all of my life. Writing is a big part of who i am. I want this. God willing, of course.
I have shared enough. Sorry to my followers for not updating. My blog is becoming stale, but that is okay with me. (:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Give Me Anything...
Imagine having the power to receive anything you want... anytime you want.
Cake? Bam... chocolate preferred. Mind-reading ability? Done. Money? Sure. Sounds like a useful gift in the long run, but when it's looked at microscopically... not so much.
God has shown me countless times how miserable it is without Him. There is a lot of beauty in the world, most that i, as a human being, can not see... and that's great... but if i was given anything i wanted i still would not experience true joy and contentment.
Non-Christians would not quite understand this viewpoint... one may live a blessed life with wonderful people in it.. he or she may have money... heck.. one could be famous... but once they're given all of that... there's still a God-given longing for MORE. Non-Believers have such a difficult understanding of the true difference between happiness, which i define as worldly pleasures, and joy, which is from God. The world looks at Christ followers and thinks they're crazy... or just bluffing. Every human has experienced happiness... we all live in the world... we were all born in the world.. we have all been blessed in one form or another... but once you let Christ in your life... there's no comparison to how He loves us.
I long for other people to grasp that... truthfully, the reality is hard to explain with accurate words.
The point is... when i surrender my whole life to Christ.. Him first.. others second..me last.. When i pray continually and ask for my faith to grow... When i sacrifice my inner desires... and improve my self-discipline.. spending time in the Word even when it seems like there are so many others things that need done.. When i have all these possibilities swarming around in my head and i keep messing up and confusing everything... and then i remember that God knows everything.. and the best way to resolve my problems is to PRAY... then with all of that being said and done.. God gives me contentment in Him.... i am joyful.. i have no worries.. i'm excited.. i have more energy.. and i'm just nicer. Nothing in the world is comparable. I want more of God. I could never get enough.
You know, even when i'm not doing all of that and not being obedient to the Lord.... the world still is not comparable.. i feel sick... i feel upset.. i feel depressed... i miss out on something... God.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2
When i was younger, maybe ages 7-10, i wanted to be an actress and singer.. i think because i was a big Hilary Duff fan... anyways, my parents would always tell me...
"Celebrities have a lot of money from their fame. They can buy anything they want... Pretty soon... there's nothing left to buy because they have everything the world has to offer... some start buying drugs because they're depressed and want to feel better... then their lives fall apart."
That is the best way to describe a person without God. They can have anything in the world but they still have nothing at all. They want more of something that they don't understand... they want love... and yeah, they may get it from other people... but people fail... i am a person. i mess up.. i can't satisfy everyone's needs.. i can't be in more than one place at one time.. i can't necessarily tolerate other people all of the time or at the times that work out for them... i can't be a savior... and i'm sure not perfect. But God is!!!
God is love (Psalm 36:5, 1 John 4:7-8). God doesn't fail (Psalms 33:22), God supplies what we need (Philippians 4:19), He is omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-12), He always wants us (John 15:12,16), He is the Savior (2 Samuel 22:3), and He is perfect (Matthew 5:48, 2 Samuel 22:31).
God is all of those things and more.. and yet even Christians.. get so distracted from what the world has laid at their feet. Of course, being human, sin is inevitable... but it's very depressing when we get distracted from God.
"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." John 15:4
There are some people who have lived a tough life. I have yet to meet such a huge, challenging milestone where what i love most on earth thatis thrown away.. lost forever.. or destroyed. I feel like i am living the American dream. Great things happen and the bad things haven't ruined my life.
Just recently, my 3 year long dream came true. Finally, after many prayers and little struggles, i'm dating my best friend. He is everything i would want in a boyfriend and more! One of my biggest blessings in life is him!
Valentines Day was arranged so perfectly, etc. God has answered my prayers and provided more than i thought.... but my boyfriend, Nik, is only a human being. Nik may be a symbol of love to me because he showers me with love, but Nik is not all that i need. Nik could never fulfill the giant, God shaped space in my heart. Nik, as wonderful as he truly is, could never be enough. Isn't that... amazing? All of us want love... but those who love us on this earth... still can not satisfy our hearts. Why? Because God gave us a heart for Him. I can talk more about my story with Nik.. but that's a whole other testimony of how God works.
Believers or not, we all long for Jesus. I have heard so many stories of used-to-be-believers saying, "I tried God out.. he didn't answer my prayers" ... "I went to church... it's full of hypocrites" ... "Christianity didn't feel much different, so what's the point". NO, NO, NO!
"You will find me, says the Lord, when you seek me with all of your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
All of your heart! Not just the parts you want to give up, but all of it! The closer we are to God.. the more we let go of our self and our comforts because we see the bigger picture... we understand what matters. Surrender is key. It's hard.. it needs a lot of prayer and faith, but it's worth it.. and it's near impossible to do by ourselves.. with out love, prayer, and accountability from other believers.
When we give all of our hearts to God.. nothing is more vital and more complete. Surrender is not a clear picture when it has not been done. I will never understand why people see certain things differently than me until i try to see those things too... with all of my strength. Give me anything on this earth... and it can never compare to my Jesus.
Cake? Bam... chocolate preferred. Mind-reading ability? Done. Money? Sure. Sounds like a useful gift in the long run, but when it's looked at microscopically... not so much.
God has shown me countless times how miserable it is without Him. There is a lot of beauty in the world, most that i, as a human being, can not see... and that's great... but if i was given anything i wanted i still would not experience true joy and contentment.
Before I start talking about those who do not believe in God, do not take offense to when I say that non-believers do not understand. Here’s the truth, if a person understood God’s love… they would believe. That’s just all there is to it. For an example, if I never understood why someone likes to skydive, but soon I see all of the joys of sky-diving and how it relates to me… then I would start skydiving. This may seem hard to comprehend right now, but bear with me, please (:
Non-Christians would not quite understand this viewpoint... one may live a blessed life with wonderful people in it.. he or she may have money... heck.. one could be famous... but once they're given all of that... there's still a God-given longing for MORE. Non-Believers have such a difficult understanding of the true difference between happiness, which i define as worldly pleasures, and joy, which is from God. The world looks at Christ followers and thinks they're crazy... or just bluffing. Every human has experienced happiness... we all live in the world... we were all born in the world.. we have all been blessed in one form or another... but once you let Christ in your life... there's no comparison to how He loves us.
I long for other people to grasp that... truthfully, the reality is hard to explain with accurate words.
The point is... when i surrender my whole life to Christ.. Him first.. others second..me last.. When i pray continually and ask for my faith to grow... When i sacrifice my inner desires... and improve my self-discipline.. spending time in the Word even when it seems like there are so many others things that need done.. When i have all these possibilities swarming around in my head and i keep messing up and confusing everything... and then i remember that God knows everything.. and the best way to resolve my problems is to PRAY... then with all of that being said and done.. God gives me contentment in Him.... i am joyful.. i have no worries.. i'm excited.. i have more energy.. and i'm just nicer. Nothing in the world is comparable. I want more of God. I could never get enough.
You know, even when i'm not doing all of that and not being obedient to the Lord.... the world still is not comparable.. i feel sick... i feel upset.. i feel depressed... i miss out on something... God.
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2
When i was younger, maybe ages 7-10, i wanted to be an actress and singer.. i think because i was a big Hilary Duff fan... anyways, my parents would always tell me...
"Celebrities have a lot of money from their fame. They can buy anything they want... Pretty soon... there's nothing left to buy because they have everything the world has to offer... some start buying drugs because they're depressed and want to feel better... then their lives fall apart."
That is the best way to describe a person without God. They can have anything in the world but they still have nothing at all. They want more of something that they don't understand... they want love... and yeah, they may get it from other people... but people fail... i am a person. i mess up.. i can't satisfy everyone's needs.. i can't be in more than one place at one time.. i can't necessarily tolerate other people all of the time or at the times that work out for them... i can't be a savior... and i'm sure not perfect. But God is!!!
God is love (Psalm 36:5, 1 John 4:7-8). God doesn't fail (Psalms 33:22), God supplies what we need (Philippians 4:19), He is omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-12), He always wants us (John 15:12,16), He is the Savior (2 Samuel 22:3), and He is perfect (Matthew 5:48, 2 Samuel 22:31).
God is all of those things and more.. and yet even Christians.. get so distracted from what the world has laid at their feet. Of course, being human, sin is inevitable... but it's very depressing when we get distracted from God.
"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." John 15:4
There are some people who have lived a tough life. I have yet to meet such a huge, challenging milestone where what i love most on earth thatis thrown away.. lost forever.. or destroyed. I feel like i am living the American dream. Great things happen and the bad things haven't ruined my life.
Just recently, my 3 year long dream came true. Finally, after many prayers and little struggles, i'm dating my best friend. He is everything i would want in a boyfriend and more! One of my biggest blessings in life is him!
Valentines Day was arranged so perfectly, etc. God has answered my prayers and provided more than i thought.... but my boyfriend, Nik, is only a human being. Nik may be a symbol of love to me because he showers me with love, but Nik is not all that i need. Nik could never fulfill the giant, God shaped space in my heart. Nik, as wonderful as he truly is, could never be enough. Isn't that... amazing? All of us want love... but those who love us on this earth... still can not satisfy our hearts. Why? Because God gave us a heart for Him. I can talk more about my story with Nik.. but that's a whole other testimony of how God works.
Believers or not, we all long for Jesus. I have heard so many stories of used-to-be-believers saying, "I tried God out.. he didn't answer my prayers" ... "I went to church... it's full of hypocrites" ... "Christianity didn't feel much different, so what's the point". NO, NO, NO!
"You will find me, says the Lord, when you seek me with all of your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
All of your heart! Not just the parts you want to give up, but all of it! The closer we are to God.. the more we let go of our self and our comforts because we see the bigger picture... we understand what matters. Surrender is key. It's hard.. it needs a lot of prayer and faith, but it's worth it.. and it's near impossible to do by ourselves.. with out love, prayer, and accountability from other believers.
When we give all of our hearts to God.. nothing is more vital and more complete. Surrender is not a clear picture when it has not been done. I will never understand why people see certain things differently than me until i try to see those things too... with all of my strength. Give me anything on this earth... and it can never compare to my Jesus.
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