Monday, July 26, 2010


Last week (19th- 24th) i went with 77 other people from my church to S. Illinois University to CIY MOVE.
Having gone to the CIY 2 years ago i was expecting to go there, let God change and better me, and leave with a fire for Christ that, to my disappointment, i knew would die 2 weeks later.
Two years ago when i went it was my first time and i didn't know what to expect. I came out of it blown away and it sickened me to be home.. back to reality.

This time i went into CIY already being on fire for Christ (if you read my previous blog you know why), and i had no idea what would happen. To be honest, i didn't feel like God was speaking to me at all through any of the lessons. I felt like what was being taught was what i already knew and i was simply being reminded. For me, all the sermons were like watching the Notebook.. such a great and lovely movie, but i have already seen it plenty of times and it won't move me again until i see it in a long time from now.

   GOD still worked and showed His presence to me in different ways. He helped me find a book that i've eyed for a couple of months and that is absolutely perfect for my spiritual growth right now.. Forgotten God.
   GOD put me in a D-group that was filled with a couple people God placed on my heart to pray for long before CIY, new people that i was intrigued by on the trip up, a couple of friends i have started to get to know, and two great leaders Todd & Sierra. Sierra is my sisters' friend's older sister. She is the youngest leader who went but her wisdom is honestly equal or above a couple of the older adults who did go. Todd was someone i was always curious about.. i was glad anytime he was going to speak at AWAKE because all the boys' highest respect and love for him as a small group leader made me want to experience it too. Basically after seeing who was all in my D-group it was great to not only know but to see that God had a purpose for that.
   GOD did the work of physical healing in two different instances one involving me and one involving a friend. I have never experienced God in that way and it blew my mind.

Whatever God wanted me to get out of CIY i didn't know even on the last day, which was exciting but kind of  nerve-wracking. I just assumed that whatever God wanted me to carry on to impact my life would have to be my challenge card.

On the very last night, there was the annual girls' night party.. every year, all the girls get together and bring left over junk food and hang out. The night started with all of the girls on the trip except maybe.. 5-7 girls who chose to sleep. Little by little girls would leave and go to bed and by 2:30a.m. only Shelby, Shannon, Alisha, Lakin, Brooke, Carlie, Eden, and I were left. I was falling asleep and speaking of going off to bed multiple times.. but by 3 or 4am we were all wide awake and God brought us together in ways that none of us ever dreamed. It was a very personal night that was fun, scary, peaceful, sad, and joyous (i do not use any of those adjectives lightly), but all of us were affected by it and i believe that God made it strictly the 8 of us for a reason. We are all starting an accountability group that i have been personally longing to have for a while. All of us feel like we have been friends for years, and we have a great love for each other that is present in a way so much stronger than before that night/morning happened.

Then i knew that one of God's purposes for me being at CIY was for that night. At WRCC's CIY AWAKE WORSHIP NIGHT i opened my challenge card and it is absolutely PERFECT. God told me to lead my family in a weekly bible study... and to start off with the book of Mark.
I know that big things will come from the family devotional time because it's everything my family needs right now.

The outcomes of CIY this year for me are going to be long-lasting and life-changing in contrast to the last time i went where i was on fire for Christ for only a couple of weeks and then it burned out. Honestly, i don't even remember what i learned the first time i went, but this year i am still learning things from it and will gain so much more. Thank you Jesus. <3

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